Co Create

Amani Alaali

Doctoral Researcher

I have a Master’s degree in Design from Northumbria University, as well as BA Interior Design from the same university. After completing my MA course I went on to be a lecturer at Ahlia University, Bahrain, where I enjoyed sharing my passion with like-minded individuals and also learning from them in an academic setting. My area of focus in terms of research includes commercial interiors, global branding and experience design. In my Phd at Northumbria University, I look into enhancing synergies between brand management and experience design within the evolving pressures of globalization. My aim is to develop a set of tools that can be used in practice when addressing the representation of global brands in local territories and/or the integration of local identities within spaces. The outcome will be validated by using a case study in Bahrain. As well as conducting my Phd I write a monthly interior design feature for ‘Arabian Homes’ magazine.



------- Amani's projects:

------- Amani's publications:


Alaali, Amani (2019) Improving Collaborations between Brand Managers and Experience Designers Within The Pressures of Globalization: A Case Study About Nostalgic Experiences in Modern Spatial Design in Bahrain. The Design Journal, 22 (4). pp. 541-550. ISSN 1460-6925

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