Cayla Key
Marie Curie Research Fellow
I am a design researcher, Marie Curie Research Fellow and Mozilla Foundation fellow working on the OpenDoTT project at Northumbria University. My research focuses on domestic spaces and conceptions. Using feminist ethics of care as a lens, I investigate alternative analytic, design, and advocacy frameworks for domestic IoT as a means to move towards further defining and realizing more equitable responsible, and sustainable home technologies. I use participatory, co-speculative, and first-person methods as part of a research-through-design-approach.

------- Cayla's projects:
------- Cayla's publications:
Key, C., Browne, F., Taylor, N., Rogers, J. (2021). Proceed with Care: Reimagining Home IoT Through a Care Perspective. In Proc. CHI’21, New York, ACM Press. *Awarded Honorable Mention
Biggs, H., Key, C., Desjardins, A., and Psarra, A. (2021). Moving Design Research: GIFs as Research Tools. In Proc. DIS’21 (pictorial), New York, ACM Press. *Awarded Honorable Mention
Reddy, A., Kocaballi, B., Nicenboim, I., Søndergaard, M., Lupetti, M., Key, C., Speed, C., Lockton, D., Giaccardi, E., Grommé, F., Robbins, H., Primlani, N., Yurman, P., Sumartojo, S., Phan, T., Bedö, V., and Strengers, Y. (2021). Making Everyday Things Talk: Speculative Conversations into the Future of Voice Interfaces at Home. In Proc. CHI’21 (Extended Abstracts), New York, ACM Press.
Desjardins, A., and Key, C. (2020) Parallels, Tangents, and Loops: Reflections on the ‘Through’ Part of RtD. In Proc. DIS’20 (pictorial), New York, ACM Press. *Awarded Honorable Mention
Desjardins, A., Biggs, H., Key, C., Viny, J.E. (2020). IoT Data in the Home: Observing Entanglements and Drawing New Encounters. In Proc. CHI’20, New York, ACM Press, 1-13.
Desjardins, A., Viny, J.E., Key, C., Johnston, N. (2019). Alternative Avenues for IoT: Designing with Non-Stereotypical Homes. In Proc. CHI’19, New York, ACM Press, 1-13. * Awarded Honorable Mention
Desjardins, A., Key, C., Biggs, H.R., Aschenbeck, K. (2019). Bespoke Booklets: A Method for Situated Co-Speculation. In Proc. DIS’19, New York, ACM Press.
Key, C. and Desjardins, A. (2019). REP(AIR): An Olfactory Interface For Bike Maintenance. In Proc. RtD’19, 1-16.