Co Create

Crisis Informatics in Conflict Zones

Funder: Facebook Research


Team: Reem Talhouk (Northumbria University), Karen Fisher (University of Washington), Eiad Yafi (University of Kuala Lampur), Kate Starbird (University of Washington), Jevin D. West (University of Washington)


Timeframe: 2018-2020

This project aimed at working with Syrian refugees and NGO workers to develop innovative data and design methods for understanding displacement, information flow and response in the Middle East. Through our research we investigated the different factors that need to be considered when designing digital tools for disseminating community based information as well as assessing the accuracy, value and danger of information shared through social media platforms. The research also explored gender-based dimensions of information sharing in refugee contexts.



------- CoCreate members working on this project:

------- Publications related to this project:

Talhouk R., Fisher, K., Shahed, S., Konstantin, A., Weibert, A., Kruger, M., Duarte, A., Wulf, V., Tachtler, F., Ahmed, S. (2019). Refugees & HCI: Situating HCI Within Humanitarian Research. EA CHI’19 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems


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