Co Create

Emily Kirwan

PhD Student

I am a PhD Researcher in Communication Design, funded by Northumbria University. My research is in audio-visual performance in virtual and augmented realities. I am especially interested in exploring the creative potentials of combining dance with technology, offering alternative modes of creating and experiencing performance, as well as considering the social implications of socially-distanced performances becoming prevalent. I have a BA in Dance from Roehampton University, London, a BA in Graphic and Media Design from Hereford College of Arts, and an MA in Digital Media Arts from Hertfordshire University. I also studied Advanced Labanotation at the Dance Notation Bureau in New York.

My previous work includes designs for coded choreography, performances which utilise technology as a choreographic or rehearsal tool, digitally immersive exhibitions, and presence activated pathways. I have designed digital applications of Labanotation for use in choreography and education, promoting the potential to revive an outmoded system through the incorporation of technology. My MA final major project ‘Digital Choreography’ explored the use of technology in the choreographic process, with the aim of increasing creative output, offering new approaches to choreography, and reducing rehearsal time. I also took part in the 2018 European Dansathon competition in Belgium, and came first place with my group’s VR piece entitled ‘Cloud Dancing’.

------- Emily's projects:

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