Co Create

Erica Vanucci

Doctoral Researcher

After getting a BA in Communication, Languages and Cultures (Siena University, IT)fascinated on how Anthropology, Sociology, Cognitive Psychology have been contributing to Design Research practices, I decided to undertake a MSc. in IT-Product Design (Southern Denmark University, DK) with a Major in Wearable TechnologiesThrough my Master, I developed a strong interest for craftsmanship practices and basic electronics. Through a critical and participatory design approach, my MSc. thesis explored the impact of the introduction of digital tools in craftsmanship practices. My PhD at Northumbria University focuses in craftsmanship practices in relation to Design. I am currently in my second year and I am researching ways of crafting critical and participatory speculative artefacts of work, to think about handmade and digital craftsmanship values with craft practitioners and designers. With diverse degrees of success, I am engage different practitioners in my research. I also have a very strong interest for anything that relates to Cultural Heritage, Visual Anthropology and Photo-journalism.





------- Erica's publications:


Vannucci E., Marshall J. and Wallace J., (2019). Enticatypes: exploring how artifacts can entice conversation on craft values in digital making. In: RTD 2019 – Fourth Biennial Research Through Design Conference: Method & Critique: Frictions and Shifts in RTD, 19th – 22nd March 2019, Delft & Rotterdam, Netherlands.




Vannucci E., Altarriba F., Marshall J. and Wilde D., (2018). Handmaking Food Ideals: Crafting the Design of Future Food-related Technologies. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’18 Companion). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 419-422. DOI:

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