Co Create

Joyce Yee

Innovation Fellow

I am a design researcher in the area of design and social innovation (D&SI) and innovation development. My research focuses on the role, value and impact of design in organisational context. Specifically, I am interested in the ways design is used to build innovative capacity of people and teams in organisations. I have published numerous books on this topic; most recently ‘Transformations: 7 Roles to Drive Change by Design’ which identified 7 roles in which design is used to help support organisational change. I co-founded the Design and Social Innovation in Asia-Pacific network (DESIAP), bringing together practitioners and academics to share and develop their understanding and experience in design and social innovation practice and support collective capacity building. I take a critical stance in considering how design is enacted in different cultural contexts, mindful of the situated, relational and dynamic cultural conditions in which design is applied. I have worked on a number of projects such as: identifying key conditions to enable impactful change in public and voluntary and community sector organisations; identifying the role of transformative learning as social impact in D&SI projects; exploring alternative impact evaluation models for D&SI practices.



------- Joyce's publications:


Akama, Y. & Yee, J. (2019) Special Issue: Embracing Plurality in Designing Social Innovation Practices. Design and Culture 11(1), DOI: 10.1080/17547075.2019.1571303


Yee, J., Raijmakers, B. & Ichikawa, F. (2019). Transformative Learning as Impact in Social Innovation. Design and Culture11(1).



Tjahja, C. and Yee, J. (2018). “Social Hierarchy in Design and Social Innovation: Perspectives from Thailand”. In: Proceedings of DRS2018: Catalyst. Design Research Society, Loughborough, UK, pp. 704-716. ISBN 9781912294176


Steane, J., & Yee, J. (2018). Interaction Design: From Concept To Completion. London: Bloomsbury.




Yee, J., Jefferies, E., & Michlewski, K. (2017). Transformations: 7 Roles to Drive Change by Design. Amsterdam, Netherlands: BIS Publishers.


Tjahja, C., Yee, J., & Aftab, M. (2017). “Objects of Design: Activity Theory as an analytical framework for Design and Social Innovation”. In E. Bohemia, C. de Bont, & L. Svengren Holm (Eds.), Conference Proceedings of the Design Management Academy 2017: Research Perspectives on Creative Intersections (Vol. 3, pp. 931). (Conference Proceedings of the Design Management Academy; Vol. 2514-8419). The Design Society.


Yee, J. (2017). The researcherly designer/the designerly researcher. In L. Vaughan (Ed.), Practice-based Design Research London, UK: Bloomsbury.


Yee, J., Akama, Y., Lawson, R., & Tjahja, C. (2017). Design and Social Innovation Research Network: Bridging the UK and Asia-Pacific Practices. DESIAP Research Network.


Durrant, Abigail, Vines, John, Wallace, Jayne and Yee, Joyce (2017). Research Through Design: Twenty-First Century Makers and Materialities. Design Issues, 33 (3). pp. 3-10. ISSN 0747-9360

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