Co Create

Steve Gibson

Associate Professor

I am an interactive media artist, interface designer, electronic musician, and media curator with a diverse academic background, and an on-going practice that spans many disciplines. I am primarily interested in transdisciplinary collaborations between art, design and computing, and have concentrated my research work on tactile and physical interfaces and applications that enable a healthier relationship with technology. I am currently Associate Professor in Innovative Digital Media at Northumbria. I have also had immediately publicly facing roles as Curator and Director for the Media Art event Interactive Futures from 2002-07, and as Co-owner and Creative Director of a media company in Victoria, Canada, Limbic Media Corporation (2007-14). I have an active practice that fuses immersive art, audio-visual performance and DIY design. Over the course of my twenty-five year career I have presented at many world-leading venues including Ars Electronica, the Whitney Museum of American Art, Banff Centre for the Arts, Digital Art Weeks, the European Media Arts Festival, ISEA, and Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich. Over the past fifteen years I have worked as PI and CI on numerous research grants. My publishing career is also very active, with papers appearing in high profile venues including Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Springer, St. Martin’s Press, and MIT Press. My co-authored book Live Visuals: History, Theory, Practice will be published by Routledge in 2021. I am currently working with Northern Dance in Newcastle on a large-scale movement-based audio-visual project, Ephemera.

------- Steve's projects:

------- Steve's publications:


Forthcoming: Gibson, S., 29 Jun 2020 (Accepted), “Being Formal Without Being a Formalist” In: Leonardo. ISSN (Print): 0024-094X.



Gibson, S. (2018). “Opto-Phono-Kinesia (OPK): Designing Motion-Based Interaction for Expert Performers,” Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions (TEI 2018).

Gibson, S. (2018, June). “Pseudo-Formalism as Strategy for Mapping the Audiovisual Body,” AVBODY: Symposium on the Audiovisual Body, 9-12 June 2018,
University of Huddersfield.


Gibson, S. (2017). “Repurposed Interface, Repurposed Medium, Repurposed Content,” Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Research Through Design Conference, 22-24 March 2017, Edinburgh, UK, Article 34, pp. 535-551. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.4747036.

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