Trust in the Internet of Things: A Design Research Workshop
Funder: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions – EU Horizon 2020
Team: Namrata Primlani, OppenDoTT.
Timeframe: 2020
A Design Research Workshop with students to investigate trust in the Internet of Things Design Research Workshop: Trust in the IoT Excercises to investigate trust in the Internet of Things: 1. Write down three things you trust. These could be objects, brands, people or even organizations. Now write down three things you mistrust. Do a switch operation. How would you change a trustworthy thing into an untrustworthy thing? 2. Five features of trustworthy technology- Reliable, Benevolent, Integrous, Helpful, Functional. Can you add one more ? 3. Trust is nuanced. We are picky about the kinds of data we share. We performed a group excercise where we voted on our data boundaries – What, where and how we were comfortable with data collection and with who we were willing to share our data.
Associated Impact: A step towards designing socially responsible technology and for including privacy-by-design into technology innovation practices.

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------- Publications related to this project:
------- Publications related to this project:
Primlani,N. 2019. Sex and Magic in Service of Surveillance Capitalism, The State of Responsible Internet of Things 2019, 40-46.