Lars Erik Holmquist
Lars Erik Holmquist is Professor of Innovation at Northumbria University, Department of Design and holder of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. He is an internationally leading researcher in human computer interaction, interaction design and ubiquitous computing. He has published over 100 articles in fields such as HCI, design methods, mobile applications and ubicomp, which have been cited more than 3500 times. His work has been presented at major scientific conferences including CHI, SIGGRAPH, UIST, UbiComp, Mobile HCI, InfoVis and ECSCW. His book Grounded Innovation: Strategies for Creating Digital Products was published by Morgan Kaufman in 2012, and provides a practical guide to the design-driven innovation process, with many examples drawn from his own research and elsewhere. We was Co-Founder and Research Leader of the Mobile Life VINN Excellence Research Centre in Sweden from 2007 to 2011. Before joining Northumbria, he was a Guest Researcher at Tokyo University; Principal Scientist at Yahoo Labs in Sunnyvale, CA; full Professor at Södertörn University in Sweden; Lab Leader at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science; and Group Leader at Viktoria Institute and the Interactive Institute. In 2005, he was awarded an Individual Grant for the Advancement of Young Research Leaders (INGVAR) from the Foundation for Strategic Research, one of the most prestigious personal grants for researchers in Sweden.
Lars Erik's Projects
Data Acquisition, Processing and Combining for Realism in VR
Hybrid Digital-Physical Objects
Immersive Technology Applications
The Sill Experience
Virtual Embodied Receptionist