Stuart English

Associate Professor

A specialist in design led innovation, Dr. English leads a portfolio of postgraduate programmes, he is creator of Ideas-lab and has returned outputs in all five of the University’s REF submissions (2013, 2008, 2001, 1996 and 1992). His work on relational problem framing has initiated new methods, new products and new IP through an inclusive approach based on design led entrepreneurship. This addresses multi and cross-disciplinary contexts bounded by clarity of market objectives, and has led to numerous new companies and filed patents. The concept of multiple perspective problem framing developed by English as part of a PhD by publication (2011) provides the foundation for the development of ongoing academic collaboration, new postgraduate curricula, intellectual property and commercial value for business both through contract research and CPD.

Stuart's Projects


Embedding Design-Led Innovation Processes in a Multinational Manufacturing Organisation


Enabling Self-Administered Healthcare Technology


Link2, World’s first Seamless Linking Roller Banner


Noctura 400


Unblocking the Circular Economy

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